The Mission of the Women’s Missionary of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church is to share the good news, salvation through Jesus Christ with unsaved men, women, and children at home and abroad by using the processes and programs outlined in the Bible, the Book of Discipline of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, and the Constitution and By-Laws of the Women’s Missionary Council.
is to bring all persons into living active fellowship with God through Jesus Christ as the Divine Savior and through the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit; to gather them into the fellowship of the Church; to lead them to express their Christian discipleship in every area of human life that the kingdom of God may be realized.
The Department promotes:
Ministry to Men is to help every man to discover the man God has called and purposed him to become in service to others both within and beyond our local congregations.
One Church One School is a nationwide program, which involves churches and schools in partnerships that teach our young people to Value Life and Learning. It promotes the positive impacts of students through tutoring and mentoring programs, parent involvement, homework assistance programs, scholarships, and student empowerment conferences.